Starlabs Nutrition IsoJuice 1.3kg

Starlabs Nutrition IsoJuice 1.3kg




78 units in Stock
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SKU : 8436574980141
  1. IsoJuice CFM is formulated with Lacprodan® SP9225, a high-quality protein isolate sourced exclusively from Arla.
  2. The production process involves advanced ultra and micro-filtration techniques to maintain protein integrity and preserve essential protein components.
  3. Essential protein fractions retained in IsoJuice CFM include Beta-lactoglobulin, Alpha-lactalbumin, serum albumin, immunoglobulin G, lactoferrin, and glycomacropeptides.
  4. The product offers refreshing and intense summer flavors while ensuring high protein quality and purity.
  5. IsoJuice CFM promotes optimal assimilation and absorption of protein due to its high-quality raw material and advanced production technology.
  6. It has low fat, cholesterol, lactose, and carbohydrate content, making it suitable for individuals seeking protein supplementation without unwanted additives.
  7. IsoJuice CFM is an exceptional product for athletes, fitness enthusiasts, and individuals looking to support their protein intake with a superior-quality supplement.
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IsoJuice CFM offers refreshing and intense summer flavors while providing high-quality protein sourced exclusively from Lacprodan® SP9225 isolate. Using advanced ultra and micro-filtration processes, IsoJuice CFM retains essential protein components like Beta-lactoglobulin, Alpha-lactalbumin, serum albumin, immunoglobulin G, lactoferrin, and glycomacropeptides, ensuring optimal assimilation and absorption. With low fat, cholesterol, lactose, and carbohydrate content, IsoJuice CFM is ideal for those seeking superior protein supplementation.

Achieve Your Goals!

With 27% of natural BCAAs, IsoJuice is one of the whey isolates with a better percentage of these amino acids per intake, achieving a great anti-catabolic effect and improving muscle building. It is ideal for people who want to build lean muscle mass or lose weight.

Benefits :

100% Pure Whey Protein Isolate

High level of BCAAs to improve recovery and growth

Intense and refreshing fruity flavors

Ultra-fast assimilation and absorption

Cross-Flow Microfiltration


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